Kolm Õde Pikk 71, 10133 Tallinn

Kolm Õde

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Kolm Õde Pikk 71, 10133 Tallinn

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Pikk 71, 10133 Tallinn


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Soovitatud Arvustused

Kolm Õde
If you love medieval architecture, you should definitely visit these three buildings. Additionally, I recommend searching for The Three Brothers Buildings" on the map
Kolm Õde
Torsten Uhr
Kolm Õde
Oh ja, die 3 Mädels sind schon schön anzusehen! Es heißt ein Kaufmann ließ dieses Schmuckstück für seine drei Töchter im 15. Jahrhundert errichten. Viele Jahre befand sich hier ein schickes Hotel, aber mit Corona kam das Ende. Sehr schade, hätten hier gern übernachtet.
Nikos Gkekas
Kolm Õde
They are three adjoining medieval merchants’ houses that are probably the most captivating and best-preserved of the Old Town’s gabled merchants’ houses.The houses were built in 1362 and were functional mercantile areas, complete with loading hatches and winches to hoist sacks of goods up and down. The houses’ original owners were mainly guild members, town councillors, and burgomasters who used the houses to entertain foreign guests.Recently, the houses have been converted into a single luxury hotel in tasteful citrus colours.
Sa Pr
Kolm Õde
The three sisters building complex that nowadays is an hotel, was before a group of merchant houses where spices, meats and grains were bartered and sold. The first record of The Three Sisters merchant houses comes from the year 1362.Not far from here, in Riga, there are three similar buildings named: the three brothers.
Andrew (Andrew)
Kolm Õde
Ikoniczne budynki Tallina w centrum niedaleko grubej Margaret. Ładnie zachowane, szczególnie stare drewniane drzwi jednego z budynków
Marek Pedask
Kolm Õde
Hooned on ehitatud 15 sajandil ja on ümberehitatud 19 sajandil.
Oleksandra Shepelska
Kolm Õde
This is one of the most famous tourist sites in Tallinn and it’s actually very prettyIf you want to learn about history if these buildings, you can read other reviews or search online. I’m just going to tell you that the architecture is pretty cute and impressive, as it’s screams about it’s medieval originYou can stay for some time here admiring the old buildings and studying their details
Francesco Bisogno
Kolm Õde
Le tre sorelle sono tre edifici simili attaccati all’ingresso del centro storico di Tallinn. Se siete di passaggio andatele a vedere, credo che siano “parenti” ai Tre Fratelli di Riga

Lisa Arvustus


Pikk 71, 10133 Tallinn
Kolm Õde