Lennusulps Winter Swimming Club Vesilennuki 6, 10411 Tallinn

Lennusulps Winter Swimming Club

38 Arvustused
  • kolmapäevSuletud
  • neljapäev17–22
  • reedeSuletud
  • laupäev11–15
  • pühapäev11–20
  • esmaspäevSuletud
  • teisipäev17–22

Lennusulps Winter Swimming Club Vesilennuki 6, 10411 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta

Lennusulps taliujumisklubi | Lennusulps on Lennusadamas tegutsev talisuplusklubi. Pakume oma külastajatele hubaseid riietusruume, karget sulpsu ja mõnusat unikaalset saunaelamust.


Helista meile
Vesilennuki 6, 10411 Tallinn


  • kolmapäevSuletud
  • neljapäev17–22
  • reedeSuletud
  • laupäev11–15
  • pühapäev11–20
  • esmaspäevSuletud
  • teisipäev17–22


  • Krediitkaardid
  • Deebetkaardid
  • NFC-mobiilimaksed
  • Tualett

Soovitatud Arvustused

Danila Shikulin
Lennusulps Winter Swimming Club
Very convenient, showers are clean hand, plenty of room, 70 deg sauna, there are two ladders for bathing in the sea.One time pass is 5€You can by a season pass
Evangelos Liakos
Lennusulps Winter Swimming Club
Clean place and relatively big sauna. The changing place is a bit small though. Very much recommended for winter swimming.
Tobi 21902
Lennusulps Winter Swimming Club
Changing room sauna and a cool opportunity to go winter swimming
Lennusulps Winter Swimming Club
Amazing place to go winter swimming. The sauna is usually full of people but it’s a great community of friendly and amazing people. The regular ticket is 5€.
Tautvydas Stasiunas
Lennusulps Winter Swimming Club
This is the biggest and most pleasant discovery in Tallinn. Thanks to you, I discovered swimming in the sea in winter. Thanks to the hosts. Good luck, I'll definitely be back.
Jack J
Lennusulps Winter Swimming Club
I was introduced to winter swimming on my visit to Estonia. As a Brit not used to plunging into the ice-cold sea in winter, it was... quite the experience.Dropping into the water but hanging on to the ladder for dear life, I let my body do its thing - the shock of hitting the water, the heavy breathing and tingling skin. After a while I felt I was getting used to it. But before my fingers and toes started to fall off, I was out again.Afterwards I felt like I'd achieved something. The process of layering up and warming back up is enjoyable, and Nobla Sulps makes it all really accessible. And I'm left with this strange desire to go again. I started out thinking that the Estonians slightly crazy, but now I think I get it...
Karmo Kivimäe
Lennusulps Winter Swimming Club
Parim talisuplemise kogemus Tallinnas!
Joanna Jõhvikas
Lennusulps Winter Swimming Club
Best place for winter swimming in Tallinn!
Mihály Bodnár
Lennusulps Winter Swimming Club
Recommended!Staff, friendliness: 5/5Sauna: 5/5Atmosphere: 5/5Access to water: 4/5Parking: 5/5Changing room, toilet: 2/5 (small room, no shower, no running water in toilet)This review is about Lennusulps, not about Noblasulps!
alan kalda
Lennusulps Winter Swimming Club
Good place, nice view, friendly staff

Lisa Arvustus


Vesilennuki 6, 10411 Tallinn
Lennusulps Winter Swimming Club