Pelmen Käsitöö Kohvik Kopli 1, 10412 Tallinn

Pelmen Käsitöö Kohvik

25 Arvustused
  • kolmapäev10–20
  • neljapäev10–20
  • reede10–20
  • laupäev10–20
  • pühapäev10–18
  • esmaspäev10–20
  • teisipäev10–20

Pelmen Käsitöö Kohvik Kopli 1, 10412 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta

Pelmen – Just another WordPress site |


Helista meile
Kopli 1, 10412 Tallinn


  • kolmapäev10–20
  • neljapäev10–20
  • reede10–20
  • laupäev10–20
  • pühapäev10–18
  • esmaspäev10–20
  • teisipäev10–20


  • Krediitkaardid
  • Sobib lastele
  • Tualett
  • Kaasaostmine
  • Kohapeal söömine
  • Alkohol
  • Kohv
  • Väikesed portsjonid
  • Õlu
  • Lõunasöök
  • Õhtusöök
  • Magustoit
  • Lihtne

Soovitatud Arvustused

Dmitri Ponomarjov
Pelmen Käsitöö Kohvik
I've been a customer for 2 years already, was really happy for the quality/price. Came there today and got disappointed at all.1. I've ordered bigger portion and got a small one. Not the first time, but that's ok for human mistake.2. The taste got much worse - the meat was just not the usual one, it tasted like rubber.
Sam Sam
Pelmen Käsitöö Kohvik
Вкусно как в детстве и обстановка отлично передана, приветливые сотрудники. Цены одни из самых низких в городе. Однозначно ещё вернусь.
Aida Capablo Vivet
Pelmen Käsitöö Kohvik
Molt bona opció!
Alexandra Grishechko
Pelmen Käsitöö Kohvik
Delicious, but the prices are quite high as elsewhere in Balti Jaama Turg. Also the choice of drinks is small, for example there is no tea
Joseph Wise
Pelmen Käsitöö Kohvik
We came back here every day we were in Estonia. The dumplings are some of the best I have had! The classic beef/pork were my favorite, but the potato ones were also very delicious. The shop is located in a larger market with lots of other food and grocery options too, which is very convenient.
Melissa Nielsen
Pelmen Käsitöö Kohvik
So delicious we came back the next day! I heard other people in line say they were also returning for a second serving. I enjoyed the duck and potato dumplings, but the Classic dumpling (beef and pork) is absolutely amazing.
Pelmen Käsitöö Kohvik
Wir waren 3 Tage in Tallinn und an allen 3 Tagen waren wir hier Pelmeni essen. Mehr muss ich glaub ich nicht dazu sagen :)
Tiziano D'Amico
Pelmen Käsitöö Kohvik
Il locale offre a modi street food questi ravioli tipici russi. Ci sono piaciuti davvero tanto e la porzione da 15 ci ha riempito parecchio. Inoltre il personale è stato molto disponibile
Pelmen Käsitöö Kohvik
We ordered the chicken and shrimp pierogi and they were delicious! Service was friendly and fast. We took our pierogi away and had it in the sun in the outside bench area. I was impressed by the amount of filling that they managed to fit in the pierogi. We got 15 pieces (large portion) for 9.90 euros which is definitely a fair price and much better than what you’d be able to find in the old town in particular.We also tried one of the beers which was really nice! It says on the bottle it’s strong but it’s got a normal larger taste so don’t be put off by that ;)Atmosphere inside the food court isn’t great as you’d expect so would always recommend to take out and eat outside.

Lisa Arvustus


Kopli 1, 10412 Tallinn
Pelmen Käsitöö Kohvik