R-Kiosk Tallinna Lennujaama välitsoon Vana-Tartu Maantee 101, 75301 Tallinn

R-Kiosk Tallinna Lennujaama välitsoon

38 Arvustused
  • kolmapäev05–01
  • neljapäev05–01
  • reede05–01
  • laupäev05–01
  • pühapäev05–01
  • esmaspäev05–01
  • teisipäev05–01

R-Kiosk Tallinna Lennujaama välitsoon Vana-Tartu Maantee 101, 75301 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta

R-Kiosk | Enam kui 100 müügikohaga on R-kiosk üks suurimaid jaekette Eestis, pakkudes kiiret kosutust jalakäijatele üle kogu riigi.


Helista meile
Vana-Tartu Maantee 101, 75301 Tallinn


  • kolmapäev05–01
  • neljapäev05–01
  • reede05–01
  • laupäev05–01
  • pühapäev05–01
  • esmaspäev05–01
  • teisipäev05–01


  • Kohapeal ostmine
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav parkla
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav sissepääs
  • Krediitkaardid
  • Kohaletoomine

Soovitatud Arvustused

Ingo „Keep Going“
R-Kiosk Tallinna Lennujaama välitsoon
I believe that the attitude of a woman with short hair and a yellow long-sleeved shirt was extremely poor. At the kiosk, I ordered chicken and dumplings, but when I was told I had to wait because the oven was full, she expressed frustration and even suggested I eat a hot dog instead. To my surprise, she reluctantly retrieved food from the freezer and started reheating it. Furthermore, she seemed to have difficulty understanding English, despite working at the airport, and even mocked a customer in Estonian to her colleague. I personally feel that it is inappropriate for someone with such an attitude to represent the country while working at an airport. otherwise portions are good and tasty아무리 작은 공항의 편의점이라지만.. 일하는 직원분의 태도가 참 최악입니다. 직원분 본인 나라 이름에 먹칠하는줄 알아야돼요. 짜증내는 태도 참는다쳐도 자기나라 언어로 외국인 손님 앞에서 대놓고 비아냥 대는 태도는 진짜 선넘었네요. 공항에서 빠른 조치를 취했으면 합니다.
R-Kiosk Tallinna Lennujaama välitsoon
mulle meeldib väga
Selina James
R-Kiosk Tallinna Lennujaama välitsoon
The coffee was nice and the pasta salad was delicious. Also very cheap as far as airport shops go :)
Yvan A. Digon
R-Kiosk Tallinna Lennujaama välitsoon
I’ve never seen as unprofessional staff as here, named M. I wanted a burrito, it was displayed on the counter in front of him. When I pointed it, M. angrily told me to grab a burrito myself at the other side of the shop. That’s not how you’re being professional.I didn’t understand what he was saying, so he repeated in an even more arrogant way.Then the burrito was badly cooked, quite cold.It’s quite ironic that they have certification of good customer support hung on their wall.I rather recommend you go to the Vairo café at the other side of the airport, unless it’s late or unless you’re in a hurry. The staff there are much more smiling, and the coffee better.I still put 2 stars instead of 1, because the price there are decent compared to any airport in the world (a 3,7 € coffee is actually ok)
Anders Põld
R-Kiosk Tallinna Lennujaama välitsoon
Väga hea teenindus soojad söögid ja joogid
Nidhi Sharma
R-Kiosk Tallinna Lennujaama välitsoon
You will find this right next to the arrivals. Apart from the usual snacks and refreshments, you can also buy or recharge your Tallinn public transport travel card from here.
Denis Nikolajev
R-Kiosk Tallinna Lennujaama välitsoon
Teistmoodi kontseptsiooniga R-Kiosk, kohvikumoodi istekohtadega, avar ja hea valikuga. Kohviautomaadid teevad head kohvi ja saiakeste valik on suur, kuid saab osta ka suppi! Lisaks müügil ka lillede valik, mis võib tihti abiks olla, kui teised kohad on kinni.
Sebastian Raabe
R-Kiosk Tallinna Lennujaama välitsoon
Sprechen kein Wort Englisch, lästern untereinander über Kunden in Russisch. Bekommen es gerade so hin Geld auf die Fahrkarte zu laden, sind dabei aber vollkommen überfordert. Absolute Katastrophe…!
Olga Jost
R-Kiosk Tallinna Lennujaama välitsoon
Ужасное обслуживание.Сначала не поняли на эстонском , что нужно было покупателю. Потом когда человек перешел на русский, перешли на хамский тон. А в итоге еще назвали придурком. 13.10.2023 время 18:30

Lisa Arvustus


Vana-Tartu Maantee 101, 75301 Tallinn
R-Kiosk Tallinna Lennujaama välitsoon