Sunorek AS Vabaõhumuuseumi tee 97, 13516 Tallinn

Sunorek AS

42 Arvustused
  • kolmapäev08–16
  • neljapäev08–16
  • reede08–16
  • laupäevSuletud
  • pühapäevSuletud
  • esmaspäev08–16
  • teisipäev08–16

Sunorek AS Vabaõhumuuseumi tee 97, 13516 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta

Kardinad ja aknakatted Sunorekist - suur valik, pikaajalised kogemused | Kardinad ja aknakatted tuppa ja õue, suurtele ja väikestele akendele leiad Sunorekist! Aastatepikkune kogemus, suur valik ning salongid üle Eesti.


Helista meile
Vabaõhumuuseumi tee 97, 13516 Tallinn


  • kolmapäev08–16
  • neljapäev08–16
  • reede08–16
  • laupäevSuletud
  • pühapäevSuletud
  • esmaspäev08–16
  • teisipäev08–16


  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav parkla

Soovitatud Arvustused

Ana Isabel Carreira
Sunorek AS
Be very very careful with SUNOREK! The materials and products are good, but they never deliver on time and the customer service is one of the worst I have seen in Estonia. Unfortunately, I only became across their bad reputation after signing a contract with them. I have several Estonian colleagues from work who advised me against this store and explained to me their bad experiences. They ask you to pay everything in advance and then they start delaying installation of ordered materials or products. I had a 3 months fight with them and had to appeal to the Consumers Board of Estonian. Unfortunately my dispute is still open:(My complaint is not related to the quality of a product, but to the customer service provided: request of advance full payment against the promise of a service that wasnot provided on timely manner (I was penalised by the non–delivery of the service but not reimbursed/compensated by the company as promised in written).However, the following problems were experienced:1. Deception of the Client regarding the date for completion of works2. Unfair business practice: deceptive communication of delivery of services3. Non refund of the client- the client was lured to pay EUR 5138.51 in advance with a promise of a finished job by a specific date, which did not happen;- after payment the client was consistently provided with ambiguous information about the completion of services via unofficial channels of communication (e.g. sms);- the company recognised in written that it incurred in an unfair practise and agreed on a monetary compensation that without any kind of justification kept changing: a minimum refund of EUR 410.32 was initially agreed, then it moved for the possibility of discussion of a refund of the VAT value of the project (EUR 838.08) and it ended up with a written confirmation of a compensation of EUR 120.Despite the fact that the bank account details of the client were provided to Sunorek already in July, until today there has been no transfer of any amount (not even the amount mentioned in Sunorek’s letter dated 26 August 2014). The dispute therefore remains open and I remain unhappy!
Pavel Stassi
Sunorek AS
Avoid this company. Could not deliver correct installation instructions.
Gvido Recoba
Sunorek AS
Waisted a lot of time with this company. Curtains installation took 3 months! Instead of 3 weeks they announce when you call. The manager didn't bother to organise the process properly. They ordered rails with wrong size, the didn't Install them properly, left my apartment dirty. And every time I had to call myself to figure out what happened. My order costed me 1600 euro and I got such a poor result. I would like to warn other customers not to take this risks.
daiva jans
Sunorek AS
Usaldusväärne ja kindel töökoht
Kadri Rahula
Sunorek AS
Väga kehva klienditeenindus Järve keskuse Sunorekis , toodete kvaliteet jätab VÄGA soovida,(valed mõõdud, praagid liistud, kvaliteedikontroll puudub täiesti ) JUBE! Ei soovita kellelegi.
slait slait
Sunorek AS
плохое качество обслуживани..и обсолютно не следую чертежам заказа
Andra Sander
Sunorek AS
Meilidele ei vastata kiirelt, ise peab pidevalt uurima, kui kaugel protsess on, enamasti on su küsimus unustatud. Ooteajad on pikad. Kui pooled kardinad olid üles pandud ja kell 16.30 lõi, siis paigaldajad lahkusid, jätsid ülejäänud materjali maha vedelema ja uue aja sai alles nädal aega hiljem ülejäänud kardinate paika panemiseks. Kardinad said ka liiga pikad ja pidin 2.5 kuud võitlema, et need lühemaks tehtaks. Selline närvikulu! Ei soovita!
Heikki Timonen
Sunorek AS
They have a good collection of electric Somfy curtains. In the case you have issues that should be covered by a warranty, do not expect warranty repairs since they don't do them.
Nadežda Zmatšinskaja
Sunorek AS
Плохое качество обслуживания. Недели 3 с ними просто общалась, ибо разные вопросы относительно занавесок, жалюзи (заказывала просто затемняющие занавески в спальню). На вопросы в переписке не ждите ответа в течение пары часов, скорее, ответят через 1 или даже 3 суток. Если хотите быстрее обслуживание и чтобы рассказали о специфике занавесок побольше, то звоните им напрямую сами.Прислали счет и нигде не написали, что это предоплата (я полагала, что это весь счет). Как говорится, догадайтесь сами". Потом уже в самом счету увидела запись "ettemaks"
Sunorek AS
Mixed reviews?? Why.. its great

Lisa Arvustus


Vabaõhumuuseumi tee 97, 13516 Tallinn
Sunorek AS