Sakste Maja OÜ Tallinna mnt 23, Lihula, 90303 Pärnu maakond

Sakste Maja OÜ

84 Arvustused

Sakste Maja OÜ Tallinna mnt 23, Lihula, 90303 Pärnu maakond

Ettevõtte kohta

Sakste Maja – Ruumide rent ja mõnus saun Lihulas |


Helista meile
Tallinna mnt 23, Lihula, 90303 Pärnu maakond



  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav parkla
  • Krediitkaardid
  • Deebetkaardid
  • NFC-mobiilimaksed

Soovitatud Arvustused

Erik Lüüs
Sakste Maja OÜ
Super nice food, especially for the money and kind service. Excellent ice cream.
triin talk
Sakste Maja OÜ
Nice cafe with new daily specials and cakes every day. There is also a hostel and beauty saloon.
Jens Bemme
Sakste Maja OÜ
I have been there in the opening summer 2018. Would love to visit again one day. :)
Mark Nitkowski
Sakste Maja OÜ
Stayed here for a week, and was very impressed with the quality and standard. The food was amazing, the accommodation was fantastic, and the owners are incredibly hospitable. Couldn't ask for more. Will definitely return.
Katharina S
Sakste Maja OÜ
Lihula in winter was a pearl, a Winter wonderland for planning new projects. We were 11 teachers from 5 countries staying 3 nights at Sakste Maja. The owner made us feel welcome, rooms clean and breakfast service really nice. The house and the surroundings reminds of the classical ”Western novor town” in the best of ways!The village/small town had what you need to live and although it only had one place to go we were satisfied and left Sakste Maja with a really good feeling of a pleasant stay. Thank you and hope to visit again!
Sakste Maja OÜ
Ilusti renoveeritud aga jätab kõleda mulje.
Ülle Käremaa-Torop
Sakste Maja OÜ
Kohvik on kena ja puhas, ka toit maitses hästi.
Mart Made Soomre
Sakste Maja OÜ
Ajalooline Härraste maja, kus saab maitsvalt süüa nii päevapraadi ja -suppi kui imeliselt häid kooke.Ajalooline maja on väga ilusasti restaureeritud.Tule naudi hubast keskkond, maitsvaid toite, toredaid kontserte, lahket pererahvast ja hotellis rahuliku und.Historic Gentlemen's House, where you can eat delicious daily food and as well as wonderfully good cakes.The historic house has been very beautifully restored.Come and enjoy the cozy environment, delicious food, nice concerts, kind family and a peaceful sleep in the hotel.
Liana Kivi
Sakste Maja OÜ
Hästi tore avastus Lihulast läbisõidul, sai maitsvat kohvi ja hea hubase puhkehetke, et edasi sõita. Aitäh!

Lisa Arvustus


Tallinna mnt 23, Lihula, 90303 Pärnu maakond
Sakste Maja OÜ