Funki Factori Studio Rävala pst 8, 10143 Tallinn

Funki Factori Studio

0 Arvustused

Funki Factori Studio Rävala pst 8, 10143 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta

Recording Studio - Funki Factori Studio | Funki Factori is a well-equipped audio recording studio in the center of Tallinn, Rävala pst 8, where your audio dreams come true through classic analogue devices and digital recording technology. Nearly 50 microphones, 24-channel handmade Studio Console, 2-line Studio Tape Recorder, outboard gear from Telefunken, Neve, API, Teletronix, Manley etc, and an experienced recording and mixing engineer are all waiting for your exciting musical projects. We also record audiobooks, sound effects or even your children's poems. Analog devices allow us to refine your own digital recordings and make them truly enjoyable. Contact us and make an appointment!


Helista meile
Rävala pst 8, 10143 Tallinn



  • Veebipõhised hinnapakkumised on saadaval
  • Kohapeal pakutavad teenused

Soovitatud Arvustused

Lisa Arvustus


Rävala pst 8, 10143 Tallinn
Funki Factori Studio