Konvoi 73 memoriaal Kloostrimetsa tee 33, 11913 Tallinn

Konvoi 73 memoriaal

7 Arvustused
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Konvoi 73 memoriaal Kloostrimetsa tee 33, 11913 Tallinn

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Helista meile
Kloostrimetsa tee 33, 11913 Tallinn


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Soovitatud Arvustused

Tarmo Õunap
Konvoi 73 memoriaal
Out of the 79 convoys that deported French Jews from Drancy in France between March 1942 and August 1944, only one was sent to the Baltics, for reasons that are still unknown. It was convoy number 73, which departed from Drancy on 15 May 1944. Of the people in the convoy, nearly 600 men were sent to Fort IX in Kaunas and five cars carrying about 300 people moved on to Tallinn, where they most likely arrived on 20 May. On 1 September, 34 survivors of convoy no. 73 were deported to the Stutthof concentration camp. Only 22 survivors returned to France in 1945.1942. aasta märtsist 1944. aasta augustini lähetati Pariisi lähedasest Drancy koondulaagrist 78 ešeloni (konvoid) enam kui 62 000 Prantsusmaal elanud juudiga Poola territooriumil asunud koonduslaagritesse. Enamus kinnipeetvaid saadeti Auschwitzi koonduslaagrisse. Ainult üks ešelon, nn Konvoi nr 73" ("Convoy 73")
Ar4i Iks
Konvoi 73 memoriaal

Lisa Arvustus


Kloostrimetsa tee 33, 11913 Tallinn
Konvoi 73 memoriaal