Crowdestate OÜ Müürivahe Tänav 17-2, 10140 Tallinn

Crowdestate OÜ

45 Arvustused
  • kolmapäev09–17
  • neljapäev09–17
  • reede09–17
  • laupäevSuletud
  • pühapäevSuletud
  • esmaspäev09–17
  • teisipäev09–17

Crowdestate OÜ Müürivahe Tänav 17-2, 10140 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta

Crowdestate | Best European real estate investment platform | Carefully selected professional real estate investments across Europe. Attractive returns, high diversification, low minimum investment. Invest now!


Helista meile
Müürivahe Tänav 17-2, 10140 Tallinn


  • kolmapäev09–17
  • neljapäev09–17
  • reede09–17
  • laupäevSuletud
  • pühapäevSuletud
  • esmaspäev09–17
  • teisipäev09–17


  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav parkla
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav sissepääs

Soovitatud Arvustused

Crowdestate OÜ
Crowdestate is a service that keeps its promises for now. It is about investing in real estate loans and obtaining high returns with a corresponding risk.Surely it is good not to focus too much on just getting the maximum return. Some loans may be delayed and there is no guarantee of total success with this type of investment. RevenueLand has rated Crowdestate four stars on the list of best peer to peer lending. Balance and prudence are rewarding in the long term even in real estate crowdlending.
mikk sarv
Crowdestate OÜ
They are taking no responsibility in pad depts. Last year crowestate earned hundres of thousands of euros profit. They lost 850 000 eur of INVESTORS MONEY. They are looking for easy/stupid money for scam or very high risk projects. If you like to keep your money do not invest. They will do nothing if the projects go red. The only thing they do is let you know that you will never see your money again.
Crowdestate OÜ
Società seria e competente nel campo di crowdfunding immobiliare.Sito ben fatto; per iniziare a investire bastano davvero poche centinaia di euro.
Benino Di Monte
Crowdestate OÜ
Pur nella consapevolezza che l'investimento possa non andare a buon fine, ritengo che l'interesse offerto è bassissimo rispetto ai fallimenti, gli ultimi progetti tutti andati male..............BOCCIATO
Shantanu Mohan
Crowdestate OÜ
Crowdstate has forged documents to steal my father’s property after he died.
Carlo Flora
Crowdestate OÜ
Ho investito su diversi progetti, tutti sono stati ripagati con gli interessi promessi e conclusi, e questa è la cosa più importante. La piattaforma non è perfetta lato sviluppo e a volte fa un po' tribolare.
Maurizio Rovere
Crowdestate OÜ
Pessima esperienza..i progetti vanno tutti i defaut...pazzesco..non rispondono piu...questa è una truffa,,,
S Atari
Crowdestate OÜ
I do not recommend any investment on this platform. It is very easy to deceive people in order to make money.A project whose owners do not run the business well invests five rounds and collects money from the people. Well, if the money does not return after the first round, why do you run five rounds?And in the end, they say they have nothing to return, so why do you advertise that you received collateral?Maybe you partner with them behind the scenes and collect millions of euros from people.
Gina Savalli
Crowdestate OÜ
Since they have updated their platform I lost my investment account. They do not respond to emails and phone calls, seems like a scam platform
hesi disain
Crowdestate OÜ
Projekt lõppes aprillis, raha pole kuskil , vaatamata kirjutamisele, pole ka vastust.Soovitan mitte investeerida.

Lisa Arvustus


Müürivahe Tänav 17-2, 10140 Tallinn
Crowdestate OÜ