CitySightseeing Tallinn Hop on Hop off Mere pst 5, 10111 Tallinn

CitySightseeing Tallinn Hop on Hop off

108 Arvustused

CitySightseeing Tallinn Hop on Hop off Mere pst 5, 10111 Tallinn

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CitySightseeing Tallinn Hop-on Hop-off |


Helista meile
Mere pst 5, 10111 Tallinn



  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav parkla
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav sissepääs
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Soovitatud Arvustused

Tina Tiora
CitySightseeing Tallinn Hop on Hop off
It's not bad but few inconveniences.1. Green line and orange line have different amount of loops per day2. Good sound has just russian translation of excursion
Michelle Harris
CitySightseeing Tallinn Hop on Hop off
EDIT: downgraded to 1 star because of the passive aggressive response from the company. I'm sorry you are part of a global company City Sightseeing with lots of tours around the world which are great & as such consistency across the brand is expected from your customers. I'm sorry your city tour is unable to provide the high quality service. You could at the very least have your staff tell the customers when buying a ticket how your service is not run like others & they shouldn't get off the bus as they won't be able to get back on.Definitely the worst City Sightseeing tour I've been on in the world. It's not hop on & hop off like you can do in other countries. You basically get on, do the route & that's it. Even if you hop off half way through the route you cannot get back on to complete the route, they kick you off at stop one regardless They also don't run constantly, they have set times which is why you're doomed if you're get off at any point during the route that's not the start. For €30 it's poorly run. You're better off just doing local busses or walking as this company brings no added value at all. Don't waste your money on this
Mond Katzer
CitySightseeing Tallinn Hop on Hop off
Man muss sich entscheiden. Die Altstadt ist auch gut zu Fuß zu erkunden. Die Tour haben wir als Gruppe gebucht. Kostengünstig am besten über GetyourGuide. Hier können bis zu 5 Personen für 60 Euro 24 Stunden fahren. Der Audio Guide ist sicherlich nicht der Knaller, aber man bekommt es ins Ohr geflüstert und kann sich auf den beiden Touren einen guten Überblick verschaffen, was man sich alles noch in Ruhe ansehen kann. Die Busse sind sauber und ordentlich und können bei Regen das Fach schließen. Oben im Bus gibt es Seitenfenster die man aufschieben kann, das hat es nicht in jeder Stadt. Personal war freundlich.
Sonic Vamp
CitySightseeing Tallinn Hop on Hop off
A great way to visit the city when you have a limited amount of time or are on a budget. The audio commentary is insightful and educational.
Maksim M
CitySightseeing Tallinn Hop on Hop off
Очень неплохая познавательная экскурсия по основным достопримечательностям Таллине. Два маршрута, каждый примерно по часу. Стоимость билета 30 евро за 24 часа для взрослого. Можно проехаться по одному маршруту в один день и по второму на следующий. Рекомендую
Stefan Petersson
CitySightseeing Tallinn Hop on Hop off
Bra med guidning på svenska. Kan åka båda turerna på samma biljett. Prisvärt.
Maya Yaneva
CitySightseeing Tallinn Hop on Hop off
The buses are very old and dirty. The seats are torn. They don’t follow the schedule and even if the bus is full they let people in sitting on the stairs. On 21 Jun we were waiting for the bus at 13.30h at stop #1, but it didn’t come on time, although there was an empty bus at the stop, the driver was selling tickets. So finally the bus came 25 min later later. In the meantime 3 buses of the competitive company passed…..
Geert Hahn
CitySightseeing Tallinn Hop on Hop off
The bus didn't stop at our" pickup which was an official hop on hop off spot. Had to take and pay a taxi. They should at least let people know that it's hop off get lost sometimes. Audio was pretty good as far as we got."
ene anteploon
CitySightseeing Tallinn Hop on Hop off
Ainuke vaadeldav vaade oli Tallinna panoraam Pirita teelt. Lauluväljakut ei näinud üldse, puud nii kõrged. Paljudes kohtades teeremont, aga tore sõit ikka, mingi ülevaade. Tundus liiga kallis sõit
Oleg F
CitySightseeing Tallinn Hop on Hop off
Обязательно к посещению! Действительно и интересно и основные места в городе посмотрите. Есть русский и английский языки. Туалета нет, можно сходить в кафе перед поездкой

Lisa Arvustus


Mere pst 5, 10111 Tallinn
CitySightseeing Tallinn Hop on Hop off