TaluDeli OÜ Teatri v 3, 10143 Tallinn

TaluDeli OÜ

80 Arvustused
  • kolmapäev07–19
  • neljapäev07–19
  • reede07–19
  • laupäev09–19
  • pühapäev09–19
  • esmaspäev07–19
  • teisipäev07–19

TaluDeli OÜ Teatri v 3, 10143 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta

Talu & Deli | Parimad pagaritooted - Talu & Deli


Helista meile
Teatri v 3, 10143 Tallinn


  • kolmapäev07–19
  • neljapäev07–19
  • reede07–19
  • laupäev09–19
  • pühapäev09–19
  • esmaspäev07–19
  • teisipäev07–19


  • Kohapeal ostmine
  • Krediitkaardid
  • Deebetkaardid
  • NFC-mobiilimaksed

Soovitatud Arvustused

Jul M
TaluDeli OÜ
Super hea kvaliteet! Ärge muutke saiakeste retsepti. Recommended!
Markus Karhunen
TaluDeli OÜ
They used to sell raw meat products in the past, such as tenderloin for very reasonable price, but unfortunately not anymore it seems. Instead I tried their filled ham and cheese croissant. It was quite large in size but to my disappointment the bread was at least day or two old. Also cafe latte from automatic machine was substandard. Hard to think wanting to visit again.
Vitruvian Vision (Anima)
TaluDeli OÜ
I have loved this place since 2018. It is next to the Solaris bus stops, and Teatri library.Sure, the ladies are sometimes grumpy, but always helpful. Unfortunately prices are rising everywhere now.I fondly remember spending my days at the library, then lunching for 2.20 for a coffee and pirukas around the corner at Talu&Deli.The pirukas have become smaller, the price is now 3,50 for the combo.. but I still think their moonisaiake rocks.Also, you can get a coffee and, say, kiluleib or other savory treats from the buffet that will fill your stomach for an acceptable price.The buffet is big and they also sell smaller household and food items in case your fridge at home is empty, and you are too tired for Solaris after a long day of work or study.
Aivar Palmiste
TaluDeli OÜ
Supper koht, oma toodang, käsitöö, naturaalsed maitsed
Sander Heinsalu
TaluDeli OÜ
Seakarbonaad muidu hea, aga paksu rasvast läbi imbunud paneeringuga. Keedetud tatar pisut kõva ja soolane, aga üldiselt hea. Roheline salat hea, suur kogus. Kojutellimismenüü ei maininud, et sašlõkk toores ja see 500g põhiliselt marinaadivedelik. Muu toit oli küpsetatud, nii et ei tulnud toore võimaluse peale. Kaasavõtukarp vettis läbi ja lekkis.
Margus Uus
TaluDeli OÜ
Väga maitsvad valmistoidud, raudselt koka tehtud! Lisaks ka huvitavaid pagaritooteid näit. kilupirukas.
TaluDeli OÜ
Kahjuks on hinnatõus ka sellesse ärisse jõudnud. Pirukad nt hoobilt 20 senti kallimad, st 20%
Natalja Michelis
TaluDeli OÜ
Palusin lõigata teenindajalt umbes 6-7cm pasteeti, teenindaja pukus juba pakitud toote - ma ei vaatanud, et see oli eilse päevaga pakitud ja jõudes koju sain karbitäie hallitust. Aitäh!
Justina KP
TaluDeli OÜ
Hello. I have recently bought the garlic bread from Talu&Deli and it was inedible... You just couldn't bite through the piece of garlic breads. What a cheating and disappointment because the old garlic breads were mixed up with the fresher ones. It would be great, if you wouldn't cheat your loyal clients anymore. Sincerely, Justina

Lisa Arvustus


Teatri v 3, 10143 Tallinn
TaluDeli OÜ