Tartu Kunstimuuseum Raekoja plats 18, 51004 Tartu

Tartu Kunstimuuseum

397 Arvustused
  • kolmapäev11–18
  • neljapäev11–20
  • reede11–18
  • laupäev11–18
  • pühapäev11–18
  • esmaspäevSuletud
  • teisipäevSuletud

Tartu Kunstimuuseum Raekoja plats 18, 51004 Tartu

Ettevõtte kohta

Avaleht - Tartmus |


Helista meile
Raekoja plats 18, 51004 Tartu


  • kolmapäev11–18
  • neljapäev11–20
  • reede11–18
  • laupäev11–18
  • pühapäev11–18
  • esmaspäevSuletud
  • teisipäevSuletud


  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav parkla
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav sissepääs
  • Sobib lastele
  • Restoran
  • Tualett
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav tualettruum
  • Peresõbralik

Soovitatud Arvustused

Ruslan Kolotogin
Tartu Kunstimuuseum
Beautiful building, cool that is tilted. In terms of art and gallery just average. Good to visit if nearby strolling.
Adam Struharňanský
Tartu Kunstimuuseum
I really liked it, it was not quite the usual exhibition.One should first read the titles and info about presented art, because all of them had some deeper meaning (and not to be discouraged by first expression)
Helle-Viivi Tolk
Tartu Kunstimuuseum
Aeg-ajalt on päris huvitavad näitused rahvale näha toodud. 3 eri korrust võimaldavad erinevaid ekspositsioone teha. Asukoht täiesti kesklinnas. Rohke kraamiga meenete müügi tuba.
Mario Azzopardi
Tartu Kunstimuuseum
It has three floors with an exhibition in each floor. I don't think there is a permanent exhibit, so each visit might give a different experience.Currently, there is a photographic exhibition about the artist's sister, one about Ado Vabbe, who influenced later Estonian artists and was referenced in other art museums, and book illustrations. I liked the latter.
Nikolas Belalis
Tartu Kunstimuuseum
The exhibition is too small and not very interesting (with a few excemptions). It doesn't worth the 6€ entry fee. It was a little strange that with the same amount of money we entered the Latvian museum of art in Riga which is 5 time bigger and with great pieces of art.
jtm Channel
Tartu Kunstimuuseum
They have 3 floors of exhibitions and a workshop room. The atmosphere is a bit gloomy but the selection of artists and art pieces are very good. Lovely inexpensive souvenirs in the shop.
Raul Veede
Tartu Kunstimuuseum
Tartu Art Museum was founded in 1940, and resides in its current, tilted house on Raekoja plats since 1988. (Btw: don't believe the plaque saying the house is called after Michael Andreas Barclay de Tolly, one of the Russian generals in the war against Napoleon in 1812: it was bought by his widow. Not every historical-looking plaque is trustworthy.) The museum has an extensive collection of Estonian and Baltic German art, largely (yet not only) by artists connected to Tartu, and arranges exhibitions both on the basis of its collection as well as concerning other themes, historical and contemporary, ranging from private collections and collectors to the painful questions of cultural memory to the problems of designing and discusing the public space. Whenever you have time in Tartu, it is definitely a museum worth visiting.
Aarne Muttik
Tartu Kunstimuuseum
Väga meeldis uus väljapanek esimesel korrusel. Teise korruse klassika (Viiralt ja Okas) on alati naditav.
Aave Augjärv
Tartu Kunstimuuseum
Külastasin toredat kunstinäitust Tartu agulist, nähtuna erinevate kunstnike silma läbi.

Lisa Arvustus


Raekoja plats 18, 51004 Tartu
Tartu Kunstimuuseum