Caffeine EE Rävala pst 4, 10143 Tallinn

Caffeine EE

175 Arvustused
  • kolmapäev07–19
  • neljapäev07–19
  • reede07–19
  • laupäev10–19
  • pühapäev10–19
  • esmaspäev07–19
  • teisipäev07–19

Caffeine EE Rävala pst 4, 10143 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta

Esileht - Caffeine | Kvaliteetne kohv kõigis kohvikutes, iga päev!


Helista meile
Rävala pst 4, 10143 Tallinn


  • kolmapäev07–19
  • neljapäev07–19
  • reede07–19
  • laupäev10–19
  • pühapäev10–19
  • esmaspäev07–19
  • teisipäev07–19


  • Krediitkaardid
  • Deebetkaardid
  • NFC-mobiilimaksed
  • Sobib lastele
  • Tualett
  • Kaasaostmine
  • Kohapeal söömine
  • Kohv
  • Magustoit
  • Hubane
  • Lihtne

Soovitatud Arvustused

Makhmud Makhmudov
Caffeine EE
16.08.2023 Ordered ice coffee. They gave me transparent fluid, like brown painted water. Asked to add coffee there since it was not tasty and I didn't taste coffee there at all. But they told me: buy more shots.So, I left the glass on the table.I will never visit this place again.I like to visit Caffeine in Lithuania. It is a different experience. But Caffeine EE has its own rules, which is not related to the quality.
wandyr hagge
Caffeine EE
Slow service. Little choice of pastries and sandwiches. The hot chocolate not only was not hot but seemed old...
Kris Born
Caffeine EE
The hot chocolate I ordered was delicious left me wanting more. The staff member at the counter was very nice and did a very nice job and making me hot chocolate look very appetizing.
Lance Seidman
Caffeine EE
Great people, friendly and helpful. They have iced drinks and to go. Parking around the back or go to the Rimi and walk.
Johan Edin
Caffeine EE
Nice cafe, however not so nice view when sittning outside
Albert Lacueva Gil
Caffeine EE
The service was great, as expected. The place is very cozy and welcoming, with great coffee. Highly recommended.
Kirke P
Caffeine EE
Nende kohvid kunagi olid megahead aga viimasel ajal olen käinud ja pettunud. Üks kord soovisin lattet ja sain mega kibeda maitsega latte, et pidin piima juurde küsima, et see joodav oleks. Päriselt pettunud! Enam pole käinud. Pole ka kõige odavam turul ehk pole mõtet käia ja pettuda. Teenindajad kas ei oska enam kohvi teha või nende kohviubade kvaliteet alla igasuguse piiri. Olerexist saan ka masinakohvi kordades parema maitsega.
Anna Se
Caffeine EE
The best porridge I have eaten since very long time :)

Lisa Arvustus


Rävala pst 4, 10143 Tallinn
Caffeine EE