East Tallinn Central Hospital Emergency Medicine Department Ravi 18, 10138 Tallinn

East Tallinn Central Hospital Emergency Medicine Department

126 Arvustused
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East Tallinn Central Hospital Emergency Medicine Department Ravi 18, 10138 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta

Avaleht | Ida-Tallinna Keskhaigla | Ida-Tallinna Keskhaigla koosseisu kuulub 7 kliinikut, mis asuvad mitmes üksuses üle Tallinna linna. Meie kliinikud on: Diagnostikakliinik, Kirurgiakliinik, Hooldusravikliinik, Naistekliinik, Silmakliinik, Sisekliinik, Taastusravikliinik.


Helista meile
Ravi 18, 10138 Tallinn


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  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav parkla
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Soovitatud Arvustused

East Tallinn Central Hospital Emergency Medicine Department
Spent nearly 6 hours there only to be sent home with regular painkillers after an express check up. Meanwhile, I underwent a surgery one day later at another hospital.
Dane David
East Tallinn Central Hospital Emergency Medicine Department
I had a generally good experience here. I hurt my knee in an accident, and went here in the evening after work. Got to register, got a consultation and X-ray and all that not even with an Estonian card, but a European Health Insurance Card. Also English speaking and friendly staff.
Anya K
East Tallinn Central Hospital Emergency Medicine Department
Sain abi! Ainult registratuur oli tõre aga triaaž ja muud arstid olid väga viisakad, kõik vajalikud uuringud said tehtud. Kokku pea 4h (käisin ilmselt vaiksel ajal).
Laine Pais
East Tallinn Central Hospital Emergency Medicine Department
Hea asukoht,kerge haiglas liikuda sest igal pool on loetavad viidad, mis suunavad täpselt õigesse kohta. Abivalmis teenindamine algab juba garderoobis.Õed on väga sõbralikud. Meeldiv suhtlemine arstidega jättis väga hea mulje. Igati viisakas ja heatahtlik suhtumine patsientidega.
Zoltan Franz
East Tallinn Central Hospital Emergency Medicine Department
I had the best experience here. Fast, easy, competent, and affordable. Great doctors who spoke many languages
Alistair Baillie
East Tallinn Central Hospital Emergency Medicine Department
Visited the Emergency Department and was seen quickly by doctor - all the staff were friendly, had tests done and was out within 2.5 hours. Doctors and all staff / nurses I encountered spoke English very well.
East Tallinn Central Hospital Emergency Medicine Department
Worst medical care I've ever had. Slipped on the ice and badly injured my ankel, knee AND broke my leg. The cast they put on originally was loose and started unraveling before I got home and I had to duct tape it myself. Replaced it two days later at another hospital. The doctors are not well trained or knowledgeable. THE WORST!
East Tallinn Central Hospital Emergency Medicine Department
Jääb mõistmatuks kuidas öösel pole võimalik silmaarsti vastuvõtule saada terves Tallinnas, kuigi see on silmaarsti emo.
Karin Sõstar
East Tallinn Central Hospital Emergency Medicine Department
I had a very good experience with all the staff members. I felt well taken care of, a reasonable amount of tests were done and my worries were addressed. Everybody acted very professionally. I was lucky to visit at a quiet time so that the waiting time was quite short. Thank you for your help!
Susan Main
East Tallinn Central Hospital Emergency Medicine Department
I have read lots of terrible reviews of the emergency room, so I wanted to give some positive comments. I visited the hospital tonight with a suspected broken wrist. I was advised that I would have to wait for 3 to 4 hours, but I was able to go home after only one hour. Everyone I spoke to was very helpful and patient, so I have no complaints at all. Thank you!

Lisa Arvustus


Ravi 18, 10138 Tallinn
East Tallinn Central Hospital Emergency Medicine Department