Tondi Lasketiir Pärnu mnt. 144, 11317 Tallinn

Tondi Lasketiir

131 Arvustused
  • kolmapäev10–20
  • neljapäev10–20
  • reede10–20
  • laupäev10–20
  • pühapäev10–20
  • esmaspäev10–20
  • teisipäev10–20

Tondi Lasketiir Pärnu mnt. 144, 11317 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta

Tondi Lasketiir - Laskmispaketid, laskeüritused ja meeldejäävad koolitused | Tondi Lasketiir


Helista meile
Pärnu mnt. 144, 11317 Tallinn


  • kolmapäev10–20
  • neljapäev10–20
  • reede10–20
  • laupäev10–20
  • pühapäev10–20
  • esmaspäev10–20
  • teisipäev10–20


  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav parkla
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav sissepääs

Soovitatud Arvustused

Tondi Lasketiir
My partner wanted to shoot guns, I was apprehensive but it was done safely and with guidance. Very enjoyable experience and nothing to be afraid of. Well worth it.
Gareth Hawkins
Tondi Lasketiir
Dropped in on the off chance, decent place and professional guys. Definitely recommend!
Pieter Snijder
Tondi Lasketiir
Good explanation with good humor from the Terminator Slava!I recommend this for everyone who wanna try shooting!Once you start, you know it’s serious business!Have fun!
Kristo Kempi
Tondi Lasketiir
Kohutav kogemus. Kõik toimus kiirustades. Samal ajal oli mitu gruppi sees. Ohutusjuhiseid jagati kui samal ajal kõrval tulistati ja klapid pidid peas olema. Mitte midagi ei olnud kuulda. Lahkusin kuna asi ei tundunud ei fun ega ohutu.
Olga Komarova
Tondi Lasketiir
A lot of positive impressions.Nice place to try different types of weapons.Got my first experience in shooting
Tondi Lasketiir
Nice shooting range with multible different guns. We had a blast on our bachelor party! One minus star comes from a little bit unclear information what were the exact names/information of the different guns. I would have liked that information. Now it was just ”here is rifle start shooting” :D
Joonas H
Tondi Lasketiir
We had reserved bachelor large tactical shooting package for 7 people many months in advance. When we arrived (on time) the employee informed us that we would have to wait 30 minutes because we are somehow overbooked". This was no problem to us.But after the 30 minute wait he informed us that there would be no tactical shooting that day but only normal range shooting. We would get no price reduction and no apologies. We could hear shooting from the tactical range
Federico Moretti
Tondi Lasketiir
Awesome experience: the instructor is very precise and gentle, will walk you through every weapon and explain how to use it. They let you shoot and then take pictures with the empty guns so you can flex them in safety. You can also keep the bullet jackets and the paper targets. Just make sure you phone call them or make a reservation as you may find the place crowded
Félix I Cheng Wong
Tondi Lasketiir
Very very nice experience I went there with my bro! We had fun! The instructor is very funny and very professional! Really enjoyed there!

Lisa Arvustus


Pärnu mnt. 144, 11317 Tallinn
Tondi Lasketiir