Circle K Peterburi tee Peterburi tee 58a, 11415 Tallinn

Circle K Peterburi tee

1025 Arvustused
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Circle K Peterburi tee Peterburi tee 58a, 11415 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta

Petrol station at Peterburi tee 58a, Tallinn, Eesti | Circle K | Visit your local Circle K at Peterburi tee 58a, Tallinn for fuel and a wide variety of products. Check opening hours, contact info and services offered at this location.


Helista meile
Peterburi tee 58a, 11415 Tallinn


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  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav parkla
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav sissepääs
  • Krediitkaardid
  • Deebetkaardid
  • NFC-mobiilimaksed
  • Tualett
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav tualettruum
  • Diislikütus
  • Etanoolivaba kütus

Soovitatud Arvustused

Jonas Grauberg
Circle K Peterburi tee
Mugava ülesehitusega tankla, kus väga palju rõhku on pandud lisateenustele ja toodetele.Igati meeldiv kliendikogemus.
Janner Klaas
Circle K Peterburi tee
Prices are little bit higher, put if you have members card, it's fine. Annoying was that if you want to pay in shop you can wait when costumer service finish someone's hotdogs.
Heigo Ensling
Circle K Peterburi tee
Peale suuremat remonti on õhku ning avarust ja ometigi on iga kord puudu üks teenindaja leti taga
tarmo Kadak
Circle K Peterburi tee
Kliendi teenindajaid võiks tööd teha. Pole tolku,seina ääres seismisest,kui kassas kedagi pole samal ajal.
Peep Prants
Circle K Peterburi tee
Söökla, aga mis teha, süüa on ka vaja!
Sergei Tenno
Circle K Peterburi tee
Töötajaid on vähe! Ülemused, võtke rahvast tööle! Need ,kes on, ei jõua igalepoole!
Merli Tm
Circle K Peterburi tee
Üks ütlemata tore koht fnbe linnast lahkumist. Väga meeldiv teenindus.
Musa G.
Circle K Peterburi tee
To activate EXTRA discounts, loyalty cards have to be approved at a station. I showed my cards but they didn't know what to do. Maybe you should teach your staff how to work?
Juri Raudsepp
Circle K Peterburi tee
Väga hea kanada/norra restoran.
Elar Häidberg
Circle K Peterburi tee
One of the largest gas stations in Estonia. For new customers the main tip would be that in case you only need to refill gas/diesel, save your time and pay for the gas outside next to the pump. The staff is quite busy preparing food inside. If you are hungry go inside and have some quite descent coffee and some quick bite. The store has also basic parts for cars too. Some stations don't have carwash though.

Lisa Arvustus


Peterburi tee 58a, 11415 Tallinn
Circle K Peterburi tee