Kohvik Legend Külmallika 15-1, 12617 Tallinn

Kohvik Legend

171 Arvustused
  • kolmapäev11–19
  • neljapäev11–19
  • reede11–19
  • laupäev11–19
  • pühapäev11–19
  • esmaspäev11–19
  • teisipäev11–19

Kohvik Legend Külmallika 15-1, 12617 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta

Peresõbralik spordikohvik Nõmmel | Kohvik LegendUudised | Kliendiüritus; Juubel; Sünnipäev; Peied; Vastuvõtt; Esitlus; Kokkutulek; Võistluse autasustamine; Jõulupidu; Suvepäevad, talvepäevad, kevadpäevad, muu eriüritus


Helista meile
Külmallika 15-1, 12617 Tallinn


  • kolmapäev11–19
  • neljapäev11–19
  • reede11–19
  • laupäev11–19
  • pühapäev11–19
  • esmaspäev11–19
  • teisipäev11–19


  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav parkla
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav sissepääs
  • Krediitkaardid
  • Kohaletoomine
  • Deebetkaardid
  • NFC-mobiilimaksed
  • Tänaval kättesaamine
  • Kontaktivaba kohaletoimetamine
  • LGBTQ+-sõbralik
  • Annab tööd ümberasustatud isikutele
  • Kaasaostmine
  • Kohapeal söömine

Soovitatud Arvustused

Britta Luup
Kohvik Legend
Manager’s professionalism, the way she treats staff and customers has to be changed.
Martin Sula
Kohvik Legend
reheated food that is terrible and overpriced. you wait long and they do not even have bread
Robert Kossinov
Kohvik Legend
ostades suppi. palusin leiva või saj. Vastust tuli ei saa!"õppige teenindaja viisakalt segitada et on midagi puudu.supp oli okei."
Karl Kristjan Martinson
Kohvik Legend
I ordered some dumplings and while the dumplings themselves were okay, could be a bit more flavorful, the dish itself looked like they are trying hard to be a fine dining restaurant without actually being one, the sour cream sauce was in a gravy dish that was unnecessary, a simple bowl would do fine. The main issue was the salad, it had some spinach, red onions and rucola/rocket with vinegar but the part that didn't fit were strawberries. They didn't fit into the flavour profile and seemed like an attempt to make the dish look more fancy.
Olga Janson-Kislitsõn
Kohvik Legend
Portsjonid väikesed, supi kõrvale leiba ei ole, teenindaja ebasõbralik. Ei soovita seda söögikohta.
Maibel Laasma
Kohvik Legend
They didn't have any ice cream.
Hille Liis Suits
Kohvik Legend
The collective of the cafe is very weak, employees are fired without warning, the manager talks behind other employees, and the other employees also do it themselves. In addition, the manager has a very bad attitude towards the employees, for example, as a revenge, she paid one employee's salary in very small bills. Please make changes about that, it's not okay.
Sander Sõnajalg
Kohvik Legend
One of favourite cafes in Tallinn. In very green surroundings, outside tables when the weather is good, great omlette, great pancakes. Just watch out for reservation times, as it's often fully booked for events. Only complaint: 4eur for large coffee doesn't make sense, usually double coffee is like 1.3x price of normal coffee or so.
Ahmed Abrar
Kohvik Legend
Awesome café in the sports arena. Limited menu but the food is really nice and tasty in here. Very friendly staffs and food is very fast. Everything in here is very affordable and good price compare to café and restaurants in the parks and attractions around the Estonia. Definitely recommend if you visiting here.
Indrek Martin
Kohvik Legend
Väga head päevasupid. Kiitus kokkadele! Ja enne päevasuppi saab ka korraks jahedas basseinivees end kastmas käia.Talisuplejaid on seal lõuna paiku päris oma jagu näha.

Lisa Arvustus


Külmallika 15-1, 12617 Tallinn
Kohvik Legend