Lydia Koidula ja Johann Voldemar Jannseni mälestusväljak Kaarsild, 51013 Tartu

Lydia Koidula ja Johann Voldemar Jannseni mälestusväljak

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Lydia Koidula ja Johann Voldemar Jannseni mälestusväljak Kaarsild, 51013 Tartu

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Helista meile
Kaarsild, 51013 Tartu


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Peeter Talvistu
Lydia Koidula ja Johann Voldemar Jannseni mälestusväljak
A playful twin statue by Mare Mikoff and Bruno Kadak. It depicts the journalist and poet Johann Voldemar Jannsen (author of the lyrics of the Estonian anthem) and his skipping daughter Lydia Koidula, the famous poet known affectionately as the Singer of River Emajõgi. It was erected as part of the centenary celebrations of the Republic of Estonia. The typography of the poems on the bases is a bit suspect and the bottom half of the short-legged male figure is seemingly made out of playdough, but otherwise it is decent memorial. The surrounding landscape architecture is nice, although the tree-like lamp is somewhat over designed.
Pertti Pyhtilä
Lydia Koidula ja Johann Voldemar Jannseni mälestusväljak
Pappa Jannsen ja tyttärensä Lydia
Paolo Conti
Lydia Koidula ja Johann Voldemar Jannseni mälestusväljak
Papà e figlia fermi nel bronzo, romantici eppure tristi. Lui autore dell'inno estone, lei poetessa.

Lisa Arvustus


Kaarsild, 51013 Tartu
Lydia Koidula ja Johann Voldemar Jannseni mälestusväljak