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Dimon Taturin - Viking Tattoo Estonia Dimon Taturin OÜ, Ehte 2, 10318 Tallinn

Dimon Taturin - Viking Tattoo Estonia

272 Arvustused
Dimon Taturin OÜ, Ehte 2, 10318 Tallinn
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav sissepääs
  • Krediitkaardid
  • Kohaletoomine
  • Deebetkaardid
  • NFC-mobiilimaksed
  • Maksmine ainult sularahas
  • WiFi
  • Broneering on nõutud
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetavad istekohad
Breaking Shool MTÜ Mahtra 60, Vilmsi 55, 13812 Tallinn

Breaking Shool MTÜ

1 Arvustused
Mahtra 60, Vilmsi 55, 13812 Tallinn
  • Ühine tualett

Soovitatud Arvustused

Daniel Taylor
Dimon Taturin - Viking Tattoo Estonia
Greetings from Scotland!The experience and the tattoo itself was a fantastic experience and I absolutely love it. I would 100% recommend Dimon for anyone looking for tattoo work.
Dawn Stringer
Dimon Taturin - Viking Tattoo Estonia
Hello from Canada!! My husband and I visited Tallinn and now have the honour of having Tattoos from Dimon. Excellent Artwork, Excellent Service and treated like royalty. We will proudly display his artwork. Thanks again!!!
Stacey Littlewood
Dimon Taturin - Viking Tattoo Estonia
I travelled from Oliver, BC, Canada to Estonia to be tattooed by Dimon, twice! I cannot say anything better about how incredible of a tattoo artist Dimon is. He is an absolute master of his trade and is such a kind human as well. 1000000% recommend Dimon Taturin Viking Tattoo Estonia!!!
Berno Liebenberg
Dimon Taturin - Viking Tattoo Estonia
Greeting from South Africa! Proud to be the first client from the Rainbow Nation to be inked by Dimon.The whole experience was brilliant. He is an exceptionally talented artist. He flawlessly integrated my request of some African elements into a Viking style tattoo.I would definitely recommend him to anyone!
Karl Kask
Dimon Taturin - Viking Tattoo Estonia
Suurepärane kogemus! Esimene tatoveering, väga vastutulelik ja omanäoline kunstnik. Kohapeal annab igale küsimusele väga operatiivse ja ammendava vastuse ning salong ise on väga hubane. Vastuvõtt oli väga soe ja sõbralik, soovitan kõigile, kes soovivad antud stiilis tatoveeringuid!
Bianca Jaansalu
Dimon Taturin - Viking Tattoo Estonia
Parim tattoo artist Eestis! Väga professionaalne, põhjalik konsultatsiooni (ei lase teha mainstream tattoosid, vaid annab omapärase idee) olen väga rahul tema töödega! Soovitan julgelt!❤️
Ain Hallap (A-1)
Dimon Taturin - Viking Tattoo Estonia
I had amazing experience there and I love Dimon's work, my wife loves the tattoo he made to me.He can freehand your tattoo and he checks constantly if it fits with your body.If you are into viking tattoos, this is the guy you should visit.
Piotr Wierzejewski
Dimon Taturin - Viking Tattoo Estonia
hello from The Netherlands and BelgiumIt's been a few years since I got my tattoo from Dimon. I spent years searching for the right artist who could capture the essence of a Nordic Viking style with specific symbols that hold deep personal significance for me. My search ended with Dimon. My visit to his studio in Tallinn and the entire tattooing experience rank among the most memorable moments of my life. The pride I feel about the tattoo is immeasurable, as it embodies values I hold dear. While the aesthetic and design of the tattoo speak for themselves in the pictures, I can vouch for its profound meaning to me personally. If you're drawn to this style, I wholeheartedly recommend Dimon. Words fall short in expressing my gratitude. I eagerly anticipate our next collaboration, building on the masterpiece he's already created. Thank you, Dimon, and I look forward to our next meeting.Piotr
Aeon Aeon
Dimon Taturin - Viking Tattoo Estonia
Esimesest hetkest peale, kui ma DImon Taturin'i töid FB's nägin, püüdsid nad pilku. Neis oli midagi enamat, kui vaid ilus teostus - tema töödes oli näha sügavust, mõtet, Elu. Sellest hetkest peale muidugi lootsin, et järgmise tattoo teeb mulle just tema. Lõpuks see päev saabuski.Öelda lihtsalt, et ma ei pidanud pettuma on sama hea, kui jätta üldse midagi ütlemata. Selleks, et seda mõista, peab seda kogema. Minu jaoks see oli erakordne elamus, millegi ilusa ja tähendusrika loomise protsess, mis oli algusest peale põnev, harmooniline ja värvikate emotsioonide rohke.Dimon on ülimalt professionaalne, loominguline ja ehe. Usaldan, austan, imetlen, olen tänulik!