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Magussoolane Fr. R. Faehlmanni 3, 10125 Tallinn


52 Arvustused
Fr. R. Faehlmanni 3, 10125 Tallinn
Kohalikust toorainest valmistatud ja säilitusainetevabad tooted - kringlid, tordid, soolased suupisted ja palju veel!
  • Krediitkaardid
  • Kohaletoomine
  • Deebetkaardid
  • NFC-mobiilimaksed
  • Sobib lastele
  • WiFi
  • Tualett
  • Ühine tualett
  • LGBTQ+-sõbralik
  • Ohutu koht transseksuaalidele
  • Peresõbralik
  • Väliterrass
  • Kaasaostmine
  • Kohapeal söömine
  • Alkohol
  • Kohv
  • Õlu
  • Lõunasöök
  • Õhtusöök
  • Toitlustus
  • Magustoit
  • Istekohad
  • Hubane
  • Lihtne
  • Sobib gruppidele
  • Võtab vastu reserveeringuid
  • Kohapeal on baar
  • Hommikusöök
  • Koerad on lubatud
  • Hiline hommikusöök
Põrgu Rüütli 4, 10130 Tallinn


1485 Arvustused
Rüütli 4, 10130 Tallinn
  • Deebetkaardid
  • NFC-mobiilimaksed
  • Alkohol
  • Vein
  • Õlu
  • Lõunasöök
  • Õhtusöök
  • Magustoit

Soovitatud Arvustused

Rachel Howze
Great cellar bar with a pub type feel and medieval vibe. We came for the beer and enjoyed a gose and a sour. Had an extensive beer menu which was really nice.
Juhani Lehtonen
Nice quality food with the great beer selection.We ate here dinner: starters, main and dessert. First we took cheese balls, garlic rye bread chips and plate with snacks. All were very good.Then we had duck with potatoes and it was also very good. Dessert portion was chokolate cake with almonds, and it was a perfect end for the meal.We also tasted a lot of different beers, which was one of the main reasons to come here.One minus thing here is that the place is very loud just because the floor and walls are stone and all bench movements and sounds are disteibuted to everywhere.Still recommendations from here!
Anna Dudareva
Душевный персонал, а также замечательная еда. Огромное спасибо! Мы обязательно вернёмся
Tatjana Gassova
Suurepärased lõunapakkumised, ülihead pirukad, parimad ekleerid ja tordid! Plussiks ka sõbralik teenindus ja mõistlikud hinnad! Loodame et nii see jääb ja kindlasti soovime edu ja palju kliente!
Väga hea kohv!
Μάκης Ζορπέδης
A great place with an endless variety of beers,a tasteful menu, reasonable prices and service is friendly- quick as well. Visiting Põrgu, it was a pleasure!
Richard Jones
Great bar micro brewery extensive selection beers and ales. Well worth a visit. Food available also.
Kristiina Kriisa
Parim lihairukas, mida me oleme eales söönud. Super kohv ja ka soojad road on väga maitsvad ja ilusti serveeritud. Tuleme tagasi:)
Phoebe Ting
Loved this place. Quite tucked away and I the basement. Service is quick and friendly. They have an enormous selection of beers (took ages to choose) and delicious salmon soup that comes with bread, and a vana tallinn liqueur laced plum ice cream. Highly recommend!
Ilya Nahay
This place has a really wide selection of beers, there is a number of pages dedicated to bottled beers and a number on tap as well. And it tastes good! Since it is in the town centre it is also quite touristy, especially in the in-out kind of way. The meals were delicious here and especially the garlic bread starter tasted good. The place itself has a unique vibe. The waitress was nice and actually recommended the starter to us.