Ühisautode üleandmiskoht

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97 Arvustused
Auto siis, kui seda vajad! Hinnad alates 0.14 €/min! Suur valik sõiduautosid ja kaubikuid.
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav parkla
  • Krediitkaardid
  • Deebetkaardid
  • NFC-mobiilimaksed
  • Tualett
Mobility Eesti OÜ Mustamäe tee 54, 10621 Tallinn

Mobility Eesti OÜ

0 Arvustused
Mustamäe tee 54, 10621 Tallinn
Aadress: Lelle tn 24 Tallinn Harjumaa 11318. Vaata tasuta firma omanikke, juhatust, seotud ettevõtteid, b-kaarti, maksuvõlgu.
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav parkla
ELMO Rent Marienthal Mustamäe tee 16, 10617 Tallinn

ELMO Rent Marienthal

0 Arvustused
Mustamäe tee 16, 10617 Tallinn
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav parkla

Soovitatud Arvustused

Marco Manzini
Pity, they don't accept my valid foreign UE driving license because their system doesn't read both sides of the license during registration. I'll definitely rate better when improved.
Janno A
Hinnad võiksid muidugi olla sõbralikumad, kuid siiani pole probleeme esinenud teenusega. Korra sai ka klienditoega tellitud sõiduk mõni minut enne aktiveerimist edukalt tühistatud. Ning muidugi peab olema tänulik, et pakuvad Boltile konkurentsi.
A. Seeberg
They are extremely expensive compared to other rental car services around Tallinn, the stuff is agressive and unprofessional. The fuel card they are providing is only a bait but you actually you will get a huge bill that you will regret later..
haidy salib
This is the worst car sharing company you could ever deal with. They just want to steal your money.. they make false claims in order to collect money and cover for their loss as a bad business. Stayy away from them and use bolt drive instead.
Egert S
Rakendus on keeruline, võrreldes konkurendiga. Soodus peale tankimist võiks maha minna kohe lõppsummast.
Vadim Kööp
Very bad service!Can not find the car in the Tallinn Airport! Strongly do not recommend to use this app!
Kristo Sild
For a premium price I got very bad service. What happened is I rented a car and it was so slippery that in the beginning I was stuck on spot for 5 min. I also got stuck for a few minutes in the middle of the traffic. At the same time all of the other cars were able to drive. Probably citybee uses cheap winter tires. Being cheap on customers safety doesn't feel right to me. I asked for a refund but the customer service told me that car stuck in the snow was my fault and they wont refund me.
Martin Leek
Hoidsid minu isiklikke asju pantvangis- keeldusid probleemi lahendamast.
Aleksei Snatkin
I may like or dislike those guys, but they keep competition on the market. CityBee motivates Bolt Drive team to keep prices on reasonable level. Competing together, they will improve services.
Deep Grewal
AVOID - CityBee - DANGEROUS!CityBee operates like a lean startup that hopes for the best but have ZERO procedures for when things do go wrong. We lost an entire day because of their negligence.CityBee offer day packages from Tartu (Buffoonery Day) for instance for longer trips away from city centres but haven't actually thought out how to support it.The vehicle we rented in Tartu initially had slightly low tire pressure, so we pumped it up and everything seemed fine. After 45 mins on a motorway we had a catastrophic failure where 1 second everything was fine and the next the tire pressure was down to 0. It's pure luck that no one was injured.- Although CityBee promotes long distance trips they have removed spare tires and puncture repair kits from their vehicles.- CityBee stated their nearest employees were in Tallinn.- CityBee refused to bring us a replacement car.- CityBee refused to tow the car back to Tartu (45 mins).- CityBee refused to arrange safe & legal transport for us to return to Tartu to get another vehicle.- CityBee sent a tow truck who arrived 2 hours after we reported the incident.- CityBee's tow truck driver tried to extort cash from us.- CityBee forced us to detour our trip which added extra mileage and wasted time.- First they promised to cover all repair costs but upon reaching the garage they tried to make us pay for a new tire.- CityBee employee became aggressive in trying to blame us for the damage (even though I'd initially reported the low air pressure when collecting the car).- CityBee charged us for the 'extra' kilometres to our trip to go from where the car broke down - to their garage in Võru and finally back to where we were.CityBee's website says in the event of an incident they will do everything possible to help us continue the trip as soon as possible and also provide compensation. CityBee wasted over 4 hours of our day, refused to provide a replacement vehicle and than charged us for extra mileage.Ultimately, I cannot recommend CityBee for the following reasons:1. Poorly maintained, dangerous vehicles!2. ZERO employees outside of Tallinn. It's unclear whom, if anyone is actually responsible for maintenance of vehicles in Tartu.3. Staff based in Tallinn seem to have very little influence or actual authority. Honestly they could be replaced with chat bots since almost every question needs to be referred to a 'manager' and call back.For completeness, CityBee did provide us with a refund of the package we purchased but insisted on charging us for the detour mileage which was petty.Their website claims were not fulfilled and we certainly did not receive compensation for a day ruined by their incompetence.