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Muskliabi OÜ Narva mnt 7, 4th Floor, Room 441. Triumph Plaza, 10117 Tallinn

Muskliabi OÜ

56 Arvustused
Narva mnt 7, 4th Floor, Room 441. Triumph Plaza, 10117 Tallinn
Sport massage and massage therapy in Tallinn city centre focused on your needs. Hundreds of satisfied clients over 20 years of practice.
  • Broneering on nõutud
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav tualettruum
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetavad istekohad

Soovitatud Arvustused

Sumeeta Kumar
Muskliabi OÜ
David is excellent!! I found him after suffering from chronic neck pain for years, and in one session he was able to help me and understand what was happening more than any other therapist I’ve been to. I highly recommend him!
Mare Meldre
Muskliabi OÜ
Davide juurde tulles tegi iga samm valu. Ta andis mulle tagasi rõõmu füüsilisest aktiivsusest. Tänan!
Muskliabi OÜ
During our stay in Tallinn, we searched for a manual therapist and found Mr. Davide's website. He was really kind, understood the situation and gave us an appointment 2 days later. He seemed to know exactly what the problem was - The manual therapy was very good and  helpful and the problem could be solved very quickly! We were really happy to have found him!  We can just reccomend!
Martin Aavik
Muskliabi OÜ
Raimo kasutab ideaalset survet ja teab täpselt kuhu seda avaldada - midagi, mis teistes salongides väga ei tehta... Soovitan väga.
Muskliabi OÜ
Hea kogemus, Martin leidis probleemsed kohad üles ning suudab suurepäraselt ka kliendiga suhelda ja klienti kuulata. Sellest tulenevalt oli ka massaaž väga nauditav.
Muskliabi OÜ
Käisin Raimo vastuvõtul. Mul olid suured valud seljas, kaelas ja õlas. Raimo kuulas mind väga tähelepanelikult ning selgitas mulle mida ta teeb, et seda parandada ja mis ma teha võiksin, et see ei korduks. Peale vastuvõttu tundsin ennast kohe paremini ja ei tundnud enam sama valu. Olen käinud ka teistes kohtades sama murega aga see pole lahenenud kuid Raimo tegi selle korda. Soovitan väga tema poole pöörduda. Tänan Sind, Raimo!I had an appointment with Raimo. I had pains in my back, neck and shoulder. Raimo listened to me very carefully and explained me what he will do and what I could do to prevent that in future. After the appointment, I immediately felt relief and I no longer felt the pain I arrived with. I have turned to other places with the same problem but the problem has remained. However, Raimo fixed it. I recommend his services. Thank you, Raimo!
Anneliis H
Muskliabi OÜ
I used to have this really bad radiating pain in my shoulder that forced me to stop my workouts, disturbed my sleep and life in general. Already after one session with Davide the pain was considerably smaller and my shoulders and back felt more loose and light. It's better than any pain medication, especially since it might be a way to keep the pain away for long term.Went there for a second time and probably make it a habit to visit them regularly.Always a warm welcome, dedicated staff and great customer service in general.
Juho Räntilä
Muskliabi OÜ
5/5 recommended definitely. I have visited a couple times due to longstanding back pain that usually takes forever to recover and even then it doesn't feel 100%. I felt so much better after first treatment here and after the second one, I'm happy to say that I don't have any pain in my back currently and it feels much better all around. Will be a customer for a long time.
Jan Eric Ivandi
Muskliabi OÜ
Mul oli valus nii kaelas (liiga palju arvuti ees istudes) ning vigastada saanud õlad trennist. Külastasin Davidet ja ta leidis pärast natukene aega uurides kus valu ning vigastused põhinesid, täitsa teistes kohtades kus just valu oli. Tegi oma asja ära kolme külastusega ja kael enam ei valuta ning sain tagasi liigutavuse õlgades. Ta andis mulle ka taastusharjutusi mida ma sain kodus teha õlgade jaoks. Soovitan väga ja asi pole ainult mingi mudimisega" vaid inimesega kes igati teab oma asja!"