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Tartu Mänguasjamuuseum Lutsu 8, 51005 Tartu

Tartu Mänguasjamuuseum

1037 Arvustused
Lutsu 8, 51005 Tartu
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav parkla
  • Sobib lastele
  • Restoran
  • Tualett
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav tualettruum
  • Peresõbralik

Soovitatud Arvustused

Tartu Mänguasjamuuseum
Unfreundly reception lady. At play area are drinks, icecream and some snacks but it's closed and you must go all way back to unfreundly reception lady to say that you want to buy there something. There could be some innovation. The museum itself is nice, children can play a littlebit at some point so they are not getting bored just to look at the toys
Tartu Mänguasjamuuseum
Tore koht meenutamaks vanu aegu. Suur osakaal oli mänguasjadel, mis esinesid enne Eesti Vabariigi taasiseseisvumist 1991 a. Äratundmisrõõmu on kõigile. Saab toredaid asju kaasa ka osta.
Liivia Vaas
Tartu Mänguasjamuuseum
Suurepärane, retk mälestuste maale. Vau efekt igas saalis. Soovitan soojalt oma argimured unustada ja külastada seda vana armast maja. Lahkud energilise ja uue inimesena.
Martin Paroll
Tartu Mänguasjamuuseum
Went there with two small boys and had a ton of fun.The temporary exhibition was about teddy bears. Recognized a lot of them.The permanent one had me walking through memory lane. A ton of things were straight out of the 1980s, from when I was playing.Add an outdoor carousel as a cherry on top of the cake and there is the perfect recipe.
Viimar Lindau
Tartu Mänguasjamuuseum
Based on first assumption you probably think this is something just for kids but not only. For me as an adult I found there many items from my childhood bringing back many nostalgic memories. Also playground for smaller kids and hands on workshop for bit bigger ones. Really liked the place and recommend to visit it.
Tina Tiora
Tartu Mänguasjamuuseum
It's incredible place. It must be visited with kids especially. But u should know that u need to have a lot of free time for this visit. There so much what to do... There is play room where u'll lose ur kids for really long time and u'll have a great opportunity for some rest
Ülle Puustusmaa
Tartu Mänguasjamuuseum
Muinasjutuliselt armas, hubane mänguline koht ajaloolistest Tartu vanalinna kaunites majades, kus ununeb maailma tormanud ja valdab rahu, nostalgia, rõõm ning pääseb valla meie sisemine laps. Must go koht lastega peredele aga kindlasti tore kogemus ka täiskasvanutele. Muuseumi Teatri Kodus toimuvad etendused erinevad eas lastele. Saab rentida ka ruume laste sünnipäevade st firma töötubadeni.
Igors Jancenko
Tartu Mänguasjamuuseum
I really enjoyed this museum, especially my son. Museum is quite big, so it is not like for 5 minutes visit. Two floors, many rooms with very different toys. It was very nice to see old toys from 90th, so nastolgic. What I really liked that there are many places for playing also, and a small but cosy food court with an drink and food machines. Even once you should visit this place if you stay in Tartu with your kids. The only complaint is about parking, it was quite hard to find free parking there, because I'm not local and didn't manage how to pay for parking, as there are no parking payment machines.