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PoCo Pop And Contemporary Art Museum Rotermanni 2, 10111 Tallinn

PoCo Pop And Contemporary Art Museum

59 Arvustused
Rotermanni 2, 10111 Tallinn
  • Sobib lastele
  • Restoran
  • WiFi
  • Tualett
  • LGBTQ+-sõbralik
  • Ohutu koht transseksuaalidele
  • Peresõbralik

Soovitatud Arvustused

Heily Epro
PoCo Pop And Contemporary Art Museum
Väga põnev ja külastamist väärt.
Anastassia Laumets
PoCo Pop And Contemporary Art Museum
Interesting place to visit but there is no explanation or interpretation of art (and qr codes didn't work). It looked more like a random assortment of displays rather than a storytelling experience. For people who are not art experts the exhibition was rather disappointing and overpriced.
Tal Mazo
PoCo Pop And Contemporary Art Museum
really beautiful and peaceful with lots to look at, my favourite part was the big room with the velvet carpet and a huge gallery wall of different art pieces and the backrooms tv room.
Indrek Martin
PoCo Pop And Contemporary Art Museum
Väga ägekoht. Maailmakuulsat ja kohalikku pop ja kaasaegset kunsti läbi mitme korruse. Soovitan külastada ka koos lastega.
Siim Saarna
PoCo Pop And Contemporary Art Museum
Probably the only option to see that wide range of pop artists in Estonia - Warhol, Banksy etc. For adults the entrance fee is 18€, so it’s not the cheapest cultural experience, but it’s a private museum with good selection of art. Still much worth to visit! And as a reply to one of the feedbacks the QR codes did work if you’d like to get more information about the art pieces.
Martti Ranin
PoCo Pop And Contemporary Art Museum
Great pop art collection to spend an hour and enjoy!
Akhil Gupta
PoCo Pop And Contemporary Art Museum
Great place to know more about pop art.
Sirli Kont
PoCo Pop And Contemporary Art Museum
Here are an incredible number of works by star-artists. Educational programs for children are very nice. Recommend!
Kertu Mõistlik
PoCo Pop And Contemporary Art Museum
Awsome place! Never thought i’d see smth like this in estonia. I’ve visited museums around the world and im so happy theres a place like this i can take my foreign friends. Definitely reccommend.
Christin Pootsmaa
PoCo Pop And Contemporary Art Museum
The place was OK but pretty much nothing special. Definitely an overpriced tourist attraction. I’d recommend you to go to either Kumu or Fotografiska instead.