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Eluliini Usaldustelefon Narva mnt 1, 10111 Tallinn

Eluliini Usaldustelefon

27 Arvustused
Narva mnt 1, 10111 Tallinn
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav parkla
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav sissepääs
1Office Estonia OÜ Narva mnt 5, 10117 Tallinn

1Office Estonia OÜ

23 Arvustused
Narva mnt 5, 10117 Tallinn
1Office offers company formation, accounting and legal services to help you focus on your main business. Contact us to start a company!
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav parkla
Lux Telecom OÜ Punane 68, 13619 Tallinn

Lux Telecom OÜ

0 Arvustused
Punane 68, 13619 Tallinn
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav parkla

Soovitatud Arvustused

Katrin Mäeots
Eluliini Usaldustelefon
väga toredad ja teenindajad
Med Salah Tourab
1Office Estonia OÜ
I had a very poor experience with this service provider. After four years of using their service, they terminated our contract due to KYC. However, after reading their response to my review, I am grateful for the opportunity to move to a better service provider."
Eluliini Usaldustelefon
Mull abi, loba ja mille eest need inimesed raha saavad
Marina Kosareva
Eluliini Usaldustelefon
Alati abiks
Nataly Hrustsova
Eluliini Usaldustelefon
Этот номер просто не ответил. Если у человека срочная и серьезная проблема, то это достаточно неприятно.
Neu rochrom
1Office Estonia OÜ
Took the money and never delivered what we agreed upon. They also stopped responding to messages when I tried to follow up. Dealing with them has been a complete nightmare.
Ülle Roosileht
Eluliini Usaldustelefon
See number lihtsalt ei vasta , helista kaua jõuad, aga keegi ei vasta.
Katariina Madalik
Eluliini Usaldustelefon
Depressioonis inimese roll on mõista teisi mõistmatuid tema ümber ja tunnistada" endale
1Office Estonia OÜ
I don't want anything from them except to use their addressIn weekly intervals, invoice reminders and threats, and that weeks before the new period, which had to be paid, even starts.Annoying polls with tens of reminders.And even for not filling out surveys there are threats.Good that I have friends who have allowed me to put my official company headquarters in their apartment.
Kristin Plado
1Office Estonia OÜ
Professional team, I am happy with this service.