Yoga instructor

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SpiritHUB Eesti

SpiritHUB Eesti

7 Arvustused
MEHELIKKUSEMEISTRIKLASS#1Tantra Videokursus MeestelePäris mehelikkusele ehitatud online videokursus ja sinu kasvu toetav online-kogukond, mis loob kiiret transformatsiooni ja hoiab sind kindlalt keskmes.Programm baseerub Tantrajoogal ning autentsetel mehelikkuse õpetustel.Kursusega kaasa ManCave keskkonna 1 kuu ligipääs.4 nädalat25+ tundi materjaliSobib algajateleTee omas temposKes on Mehelik Mees?Mees, kes teab täpselt, mida ta elult tahab ja loob ise enda elu.Mees, kes julgeb olla tugev ja
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav sissepääs
Aie jooga

Aie jooga

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  • Kohapeal ostmine
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav parkla
  • Krediitkaardid
  • Deebetkaardid
  • NFC-mobiilimaksed

Soovitatud Arvustused

Ted Porter
SpiritHUB Eesti
I have been active for 3 months with a masculinity program and I am very satisfied with it because I am experiencing delightful positive results. I invest a lot of time to it after waking up - about an hour a day - in combination with my existing exercise regimen. The spiritual side of the program is presented very clearly, but for me it's subtle and slower for me to see progress than I see in the physical side. My program is based heavily on the practice of Hatha Yoga. I have gotten substantial results in flexibility, self-care awareness and clearer personal decision-making so far. My coach mentor Martti has been respectful and well focused on my individual situation, very sincere and responsive to important candid conversation. We worked together in-serson and on-line when I was in Estonia; I now live in the USA and we work totally on-line very effectively. I'm commited to working pretty hard on the program for substantial results that I expect from my own efforts in this very new (and very ancient) practice! For me, I don't see this being effective as a short-term commitment because there is just a lot for me to go through in self awareness, physical and spiritual, even though I have been involved in yoga and flexible exercise for 5 years now. This is a whole new trajectory!