Thai Stop Koidu 108, 10139 Tallinn

Thai Stop

35 Arvustused
  • kolmapäev11–21
  • neljapäev11–21
  • reede11–21
  • laupäev11–21
  • pühapäev12–20
  • esmaspäev11–21
  • teisipäev11–21

Thai Stop Koidu 108, 10139 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta



Helista meile
Koidu 108, 10139 Tallinn


  • kolmapäev11–21
  • neljapäev11–21
  • reede11–21
  • laupäev11–21
  • pühapäev12–20
  • esmaspäev11–21
  • teisipäev11–21


  • Lastemenüü
  • Parkimine
  • Tasuta parkimine tänaval
  • Tasuta parkla
  • Tasuline parkimine tänaval

Soovitatud Arvustused

Christian Rose
Thai Stop
Totally overrated and not worth the price they ask. Food doesn't look any close to the photos and illustrations they promote. Taste is not the best either. Don't recommend.If you want a good Thai food, go visit Villa Thai"."
Thai Stop
Väga hea aasiapärana toit. Portsjon oli natukene väike selle hinna kohta. Võiks olla mõni euro odavam, siis oleks need suhted paigas. Samas kindlasti soovitan proovida. Üks parimaid aasia toite mida proovinud olen.
Wipawan Sunyakit
Thai Stop
The food tastes delicious. (I'm Thai). It reminds me of a restaurant with Thai food cooked to order. ))
Poon Bunwiset
Thai Stop
Very good food. Authentic Thai’s taste
Natalja Michelis
Thai Stop
Pad Thai oli kaasa ostetud ja 10 min pärast kodus oli üks suur kleepuv ja jube hapu mass. Pretensioonile ülbelt vastati - teie teadmiseks riisi nuudleid ei keedeta ja nad ei saa olla ülekeedetud" pakus järgmine päev tulla uue Pad Thai järgi
Kurt Ainsalu
Thai Stop
For an establishing restaurant number one priority should always be impression. How do you impress your first client and ensure that he or she will come back. You should start with good food.Well - I wasn't impressed. And unlikely will return which is a shame as it'd been my local Thai food restaurant and Thai food I happen to like a lot.The green curry I ordered was thin, watery and clearly made out of 4 ingredients - curry paste, frozen peas/beans, chicken slices and coconut milk. Panang curry my wife had was very similar affair and it was also so salty that was pretty much inedible. Both portions were also very small with a tiny bit of rice - for that price point I really expected much better. Their house noodles were just noodles with vegetables and mixed with sweet/sour sauce with no spice at all.So there you go - a restaurant impresses you with food that is quite bland(or too salty!), uninspiring, small and expensive. Maybe put in a little more effort next time? Too bad as I'm not there to witness it.
Eirik Lepp
Thai Stop
Was pleasantly surprised! Portions were large and food was delicious.Will deffinitely return to order food again to my family as everyone where in love of it.
Kalle Laur
Thai Stop
Toit oli hea.Väljas istumine pole suurem asi selle liiklusega, aga käib kah.
janka janka
Thai Stop
Cosy new Thai place in Uus Maailm, friendly service, really nice lunch offers.

Lisa Arvustus


Koidu 108, 10139 Tallinn
Thai Stop